Home > Power Electronics Development Tools > Digital Control System with user friendly C programing bench PE-Expert4 > GRID PCS HIL Package
Development Tools
Product Information
- Digital Control System with user
friendly C programing bench
PE-Expert4 - Digital Control Board
PE-PRO - Inverter Unit

PE-Expert4 & TyphoonHIL Example

Combination of Typhoon HIL 402 and Myway Plus PE-Expert4 to reproduce instantaneous low frequency fluctuations to easily and efficiently verify control algorithms.
- Specialized for Power Electronics applications and ultrahigh precision simulation
(500 ns simulation time step, 20 ns PWM sampling) - Real time sensors and PWM outputs waveform
- Test automation with powerful script function, support for large scale circuits
Combined with PE-Expert 4 for ultra high speed and high accuracy HIL 402 GRID PCS HIL turnkey solution. Optimize for PCS controller testing and education on the desktop.

High fidelity simulation
No mini model
Conventionally, since many HIL systems are implemented on the basis of Real-Time OS, the time step of real-time simulation is around 50 μs, which is insufficient for replacing the mini model (for power simulation). HIL 402 SoC, designed for power electronics can provide time step of 500 ns and 20 ns sampling ultra-high fidelity system that is difficult for conventional RTOS based HIL system in real time. Now it is possible to completely replace mini models that were difficult in the past for HIL simulation.

Easy setup & operation
No oscilloscope
HIL402 does not require third party software and is easy to setup. Just connect the setup of HIL 402 with the PC via USB cable and install the included software. Easily create a simulation model with the circuit editor and write it to HIL402 with one click and operate. Moreover, oscilloscope is unnecessary because it can be confirmed on the personal computer up to the switching. Harmonic superposition can also be easily realized by designing the waveform with the attached software.

PE-Expert4 verify the control
algorithm in real time
In the WAVE function the change of parameters in the program can be visualized in real-time like an oscilloscope. In PE-Meter function, the measured observation value can be feedback to control, or perform measurement in synchronization with control. These functions are helpful in understanding the process and debugging.