Home > Power Electronics Development Tools > Integrated Development Environment PE-View9
Development Tools
Product Information
- Digital Control System with user
friendly C programing bench
PE-Expert4 - Digital Control Board
PE-PRO - Integrated Development Environment
PE-View9 - Inverter Unit
Integrated Development Environment
Project Management, Development
and Real Time Debug Features

The development of PE-Expert3 and PE-PRO programs are made in conjunction with the Integrated Development Environment "PE-View"
PE-View Merits
- Ideal environment specialized for development of Motor Control & Power Conversion in Power Electronics
- Starting from Project Management to Development to Debug, all functions are easily executed in one interface making the program a suitable learning tool
- All algorithms are written in C programming language
- Debug tools available, INSPECTOR: Real Time Variables Modification, WAVE: Real Time Waveform Monitor
PE-View Major Debug Functions
Able to read/write the program variables during execution
Real time monitor and manipulation of functions while program is ongoing
Able to display variables in real time
By connecting a DA converter from the inverter to the control system, a virtual oscilloscope is available on PC. Users can add on an external trigger function to synchronize waveform display and external signal.
PE-View Recommended System Requirements
- PC
- CPU 1GHz and above
- Memory: 512 MB Minimum
- USB Port: 2 Channels
- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
C Compiler
- TI Code Composer Studio