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Development Tools
Product Information
- Digital Control System with user
friendly C programing bench
PE-Expert4 - Digital Control Board
PE-PRO - Inverter Unit
What are Power Electronics
Development Tools?
In the field of Power Electronics, Myway has a track record of customers and technology know-hows
Myway Plus' Research and Development tools are made up of inverters and high speed digital controller. The Power Electronic tools have been supported by a variety of customers, including university laboratories and R&D department of large companies.
About PE-Inverter
Myway Plus's inverters are designed for R&D purposes. They are installed with overvoltage and overcurrent protection features and schematic diagrams for researchers whom are interested in a safe modification of inverter. The inverters are activated by gate signal into the gate drive circuits. Users can choose an inverter among the extensive line-up; to match their required input current, voltage or capacity
About PE-Expert4
PE-Expert4 is a High Speed Power Electronics Controller System dedicated for research purposes. The DSP-mount system is expandable; user simply needs to choose a board to match the experiment, and control the system with our Integrated Development Environment, PE-ViewX.

About Integrated Development Environment PE-ViewX
PE-ViewX is specially developed for Project Management, Program Development and Real Time Debug in PE-Expert4 or PE-PRO.