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Seminar: Model Based Development in Power Electronics using SIL, PIL and HIL
Sep 07, 2017Powersim Inc, Typhoon HIL Inc., and Myway Plus Corporation will be jointly organising an in-depth seminar covering a Model Based Development in Power Electronics using software in the loop (SIL), processor in the loop (PIL), and hardware in the loop (HIL) SIL, PIL and HIL. A complete system simulation will be first carried out in PSIM, and SimCoder module will automatically generate the DSP code. PE-Expert4, a TI high speed TMS320C6657 (1.25GHz) testing platform will act as a control system with the DSP code and send gate signals to perform an ultra-high fidelity Hardware in the Loop simulation in Typhoon HIL604. Alternatively, the virtual inverter can be programmed through PE-Expert4 specialised library. Sample programs will be provided in PE-Expert4 to assist users to write control algorithms immediately. The whole system demonstrates a complete design, testing, and validation process and guarantees a seamless and completely safe transition from design to actual hardware implementation.
Two hands-on examples will be showcased: a grid tied 3-phase battery storage inverter, and 3-phase PMSM motor drive system.

Ohio State University Seminar
Date: Oct 5, 2017
Time; 1330-1700
Venue: Center for High Performance Power Electronics (CHPPE), Ohio State University
Target Audience: professors, researchers or students who are working on SIL, PIL, HIL or whom are interested in Power Electronics