Home > News Releases/Feature List > A Group Led by Deputy Secretary Chen Jian Qing of the Wuxi City Government Visits Myway Plus

A Group Led by Deputy Secretary Chen Jian Qing of the Wuxi City Government Visits Myway Plus
June 28, 2010While electric motorcycles are a fledgling market in Japan, more than 30 million electric motorcycles are already in use in China's vast land. About 30 percent of these electric motorcycles are manufactured in Wuxi City of China.
In Wuxi, the city government has actively been promoting a project called "530" since 2006 to encourage 30 Chinese who have studied abroad to start business over a period of five years.
With its advanced technological prowess and outstanding track record highly appreciated, Myway Plus was selected from among many "530" candidate projects (spanning 17 countries and totaling 420 projects). And, with the support of the Wuxi City Government, we have just established a local company (Myway Wuxi EV R&D Center) aimed at producing electric vehicle parts and developing power trains for electric vehicles.
On June 25, 2010, a group of Wuxi City Government officials, led by Mr. Chen Jian Qing, Deputy Secretary of the Xishan Development District Engineering Committee, visited Myway Plus' headquarters in Japan to study the future course of electric vehicle technology innovation and development and form a strategic alliance with Myway Plus.
The day marked a huge step for Myway Plus in its endeavor to move onto the global stage.
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